Brilliant! Walter Benjamin lives on in the way you think.

Another step you might take in your research: have artists and also non-artists examine a mixture of AI-generated images and original images. Can they tell which is which?

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Sep 29·edited Sep 29Author

Thank you so much! and yes that's definitely in the plans. On a larger scale this difference in ways of seeing is an important part of my dissertation, but I'd love to explore it on a micro level, maybe even collaborating with cognitive psychologists, to study different people's perception of similarity and difference. One day!

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1. And THEN the question “So well, so what?” would arise. If neither the artists nor the spectators (or heaven forbid, clients) could tell the difference, then does it mean that AI wins?

2. Back when I worked in IT it was proverbial that artificial intelligence could never replace natural stupidity. The corollary is that artificial intelligence will be used by the naturally stupid.

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